The day started a little slow and a little cloudy. After spending several hours trying to photograph some smaller stuff at
Heckrodt Reserve in Menasha, I decided to look for some of the eagles I know reside along the Fox River. It turned out to be a good move as I came upon a tree that had three Immatures on it. I didn't take an image, two of the birds were on the backside and it wasn't very picturesque. But I did get a couple of images of this guy while I watched some Common Goldeneyes playing in the rapids (images of those will be for another day).
After about an hour of him not moving from his perch I decided to go looking for some adults. And as I walked away (backwards, with my eyes firmly planted on any movement from him), he flew away to one of the nearby bridges and then, a few seconds later, came back to a lower branch.
After about another ten minutes, he dove down into the water, and behind a concrete barrier caught a fish and headed to the other side of the river to enjoy his lunch. Being too far away to capture the carnage, I headed out in search of some adults, and in very short order, the clouds went away and I found these two hanging out.
So overall, it was a pretty good day for shooting!
Don't forget to please 'follow' my page for further installments and for updates on all the birds I photograph and the status of the store for future purchasing.