On a recent trip to Puerto Rico I was able to photograph many different birds and reptiles but the big surprise was finding a family of American Coots (Fulica americana) with one chick near the shore of a pond. I thought the baby was just the cutest little thing with its bright orange and red plumage. Based on it still having its plumage ornaments I estimate the chick to be less than a week old.
The nest was set among a large clump of weeds and actually very well hidden. Unfortunately the pond they inhabited was being shared with at least 10 large iguanas along with this one, about 20 inches long sitting on a rock overlooking the pond.
Returning several days later I observed one of the iguanas sitting on the nest, with none of the family in site. Hopefully they abandoned the site before the reptile took over the nest, but I guess I'll never know!
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