This morning it was a little cloudy out so I headed over to Menasha to the
Heckrodt Nature Center to photograph some of the songbirds and hopefully some of the Cardinals that have been wintering there since a blue sky isn't really necessary for birds in trees images. When I first arrived there wasn't a bird in sight and I was a bit concerned that something was amiss. But after a few minutes, several squirrels approached the feeders and soon after that I heard several birds off in the distance. Soon enough a male Cardinal and several Junco's, Common Nuthatches, and House Finches flew into the surrounding trees and eventually flitted back and forth between the feeders and the trees.
The Cardinal only stayed for about ten minutes, mostly hanging out in the tree before finally sitting on the feeder and quickly eating about a dozen seeds next to a male House Finch (that looked like he was keeping a close eye on the Cardinal) and a Junco.
The Junco's and the Common Nuthatches however stayed longer but hidden mostly on the back side of the feeders. I did capture this pudgy little Nuthatch proud to show off the peanut he had.
It's almost bigger than his mouth!
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